Monday, September 1, 2008

Arts and Symbols

I'm on the hunt for some artists.

Part of my teaching load this fall involves teaching a course called "Arts and Symbols in Christian Worship".  As part of my class prep, I have contacted a wide variety of people: everyone from a Greek Orthodox priest to a dramatically inclined, former college roommate who is currently serving as a youth pastor.  I'd like to expose the students to a broad range of artistic expressions so that they will be able to see how diverse Christian worship experience can be.

While the Orthodox priest was initially interested, I haven't heard back from him for a while.  He might be having second thoughts.  I am, however, excited about our class trip to The Gig in downtown Kitchener.  Rob Abbott (The Gig's pastor) is a friend of mine and is doing some great ministry within the arts community.  Coincidently, the Gig also happens to be the community of faith where my father-in-law has found a home.


Tim Good said...

I had looked at your class on the EBC schedule and though the title looked intersting, now hearing a small bit more, I wish I could fit it into my return to classes.

Ann Anderson is maybe someone that would be worth talking to... she was part of the original group that started The Gig with us and she is now the pastor at the Lutheran Church in NewHamburg, she always comes at art in worship for a unique angle. Also I'm not sure how connected you are with Cambridge Vineyard - but there are some great artists (visual, dance, etc) that are around there. Robert Thody (sp?) taught a drama class at EBC back when I was first there... he was a part of CV at the time. (If Rob dosen't have the contacts I could pass some along)

(I have to admit I am totally confused as to who your father in law the world is small)

The Gentile Rabbi said...


Thanks for the helpful comments. I've sent an email to Ann. It looks like she would be a great addition.

As for my father-in-law his name is Graham. Tall guy with a great mustache and glasses.

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