Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Changing the conversation

"Change takes place when people relax and start conversing with each other."

One of my colleagues made that statement in a sermon this past Sunday.

If that's the case, and I believe it is, then why do we make such a big deal out of the Sunday morning show?  

Last I checked, I didn't have very many meaningful conversations sitting in a pew.

Anyone else ready for change?


Anonymous said...


Luke said...

i'm ready
The best part of church is the talking before and after. We just need to work some more spiritual growth into that part and we're set.
That said, I do enjoy worship

maybe we can just take the pews out and just have chairs that can be reconfigured for different types of services... Hmmm aren't they going to put money into those pews anyway...
Rexdale Alliance had interlocking chairs that worked great.

Anne said...

...and the space could be used for other things like christmas banquets, youth games etc. I really liked the get together in groups and pray thing the other week for the anniversery. To bad I wasn't able to stay.

Tim Good said...

I have seen writing by people saying we should meet around large tables. Many of the things we do would not really change, a little twisting to see the front maybe, but the discussion is so much better. I also think things like communion would be so much more meaningful if we sat around tables.

What if people in faith communities actually shared meals together on a regular basis? ( and I don't mean the usual potluck, standing in the gym)

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