Thursday, November 5, 2009

HappE Birthday

Happy Birthday to my favorite person in the whole world.

No, not me; Erika.

Last night we laid in bed reminiscing about when we first met. I think God had something to do with it. We were both raised by parents who spent a lot of time reminding us that we the greatest thing since sliced bread. Maybe even better than sliced bread. As such, we were a bit self-centered. We probably still are.

Nevertheless, our worlds collided about 10 years ago and we both decided that our lives would be even better if they united.

We've made a lot of great decisions, that was one of our finest.

Since then, I've had the time of my life getting to know Erika and her mysterious ways. She has taught me so much about compassion, right-brained living, spontaneity, coffee, leadership, Jesus, and living by faith.

I can wait till we get old and we can share our dentures with each other.


Anonymous said...

Awwww you guys are soo cute!!! :0)

Luke said...

can or can't wait for the dentures. Because really , I kind of like having my teeth :)

Anonymous said...

Erica Would never need dentures just look at her teeth.

Erika said...

I love you babe, but I DO NOT want to share dentures with you. I agree with Luke: want to keep the teeth!!

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