Thursday, August 19, 2010

Moved by words on a page

We picked our little girl up from camp tonight. The bright pink cast made her easy to spot in the midst of so many children.

On the ride home she told us about a cool swamp walk that smelled worst than toilet water. She also shared stories of talent night and a counselor that made rules like "no farting on the tarp".

She even told of the morning she was moved to tears reading one of the letters Erika and I had pre-written and stuffed in her suitcase. When we asked who wrote the letter, mom or dad, we found out it was me.

If only a editor could be similarly moved by my submissions for publication.


Anonymous said...

Keep pluggin bud...I feel the same way sometimes....but keep submitting and keep "submitting"...Now if I can take my own advice...


Luke said...

maybe they have been, just for the wrong reasons! LOL

oh, you'll get something published sometime, just keep plugging away.

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